Texarkana Federal Criminal Attorney

Mr. Floyd Travels to State Courts Throughout Texas and Federal Courts Nationwide. Principal Office located at 4900 Woodway Dr., Houston, Texas 77056. All other locations by appointment only.

Texarkana, Texas is ranked as one of the “most livable” cities in the state with a low cost of living and lots of local amenities, such as nearby water recreation. The city straddles the Texas and Arkansas border. It is known on both sides for its low business costs which is why the unemployment rate hovers at 5.5 percent.

But Texarkana is distinctive for other reasons.

In 2015, the FBI ranked Texarkana as the fourth most dangerous city in Texas and the highest rank city in the northern part of the state. Assault cases comprise the largest percentage of violent crime in the city.

This is a pattern with the city. In 2010, the metropolitan area of Texarkana had the 10th highest crime rate in the nation. The city had 10.58 violent crimes per 1000 residents.

Today the city is only two percent safer than other cities in the United States.

To combat the city’s crime problem, the Texarkana Police Department has employed mobile command trailers in neighborhoods with increased incidents of violent crime.

The incidents of violent crime have been attributed by the local police department to gangs operating on both the Texas and Arkansas sides of the city.

So what if you’re accused of one of these crimes?

Area law enforcement is cracking down on all types of crime. They constantly look for criminal elements in the community and do all they can to punish them to the fullest extent of the law.

Having charges filed against you could mean very severe consequences. Some minor infractions carry comparatively heavy fines, probation, or even prison sentences. And even just having a criminal record can change your life for the worse. You’re much more likely to be convicted of other crimes if you have a history of misdemeanors or felonies, and your good name could be forever tarnished if convicted.

To make matters worse, Texas and Arkansas laws can be very different. But if you’re in Texas, you need a strong Texas attorney like John T. Floyd who has experience and in-depth knowledge of Texas laws and its criminal justice system.

Why John T. Floyd?

He is certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in criminal law, and has been representing citizens of Texas for more than two decades, as well as those accused of federal crimes. He understands the vast differences in the two court systems.

Federal Prosecutions

The Criminal Division of the Eastern District of Texas, in which Texarkana resides, works closely with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute individuals and organizations that violate federal laws.

The assistant U.S. attorneys in this division target major drug and human trafficking, child exploitation, child pornography, firearms, and immigration offenses for prosecution.

The Criminal Division especially targets narcotics trafficking that comes from the southwest part of the state into its eastern district to reach the rest of the nation’s drug distribution centers.

Convictions for child pornography and drug trafficking offenses are particularly severe in the federal courts in the Eastern District.

For example, Assistant U.S. Attorney John Bales this past October announced that “Operation Flashback, a joint federal and state investigation, with the arrest of nearly two dozen mid-and-high level traffickers in the Eastern District. Fourteen of them were from Texarkana, Texas.

State Prosecutions

The Bowie County District Attorney’s Office is led by Jerry Rochelle.

The district attorney’s office is aggressive in fighting violent crime.

In July 2015, a prison inmate was charged with killing a prison guard in a Texas prison unit at New Boston.

Rochelle told the Texarkana Gazette: “We lost one of our own and feel compelled to seek justice for him and his family. I have personally requested through the Special Prosecution Unit of the TDCJ (Texas Department of Criminal Justice) to handle the prosecution of the case involving the death of Correctional Officer Timothy Davison.”

In January 2016, a 16-yar-old suspect was charged with murder. DA Rochelle immediately announced that his office would seek to try the juvenile as an adult.

“We are in the process of preparing a petition for discretionary transfer from juvenile to district court,” Rochelle told the Texarkana Gazette. It is the intent of the DA’s office to have him certified to stand trial as an adult.”

Defend Against Your Texarkana Charges with a Renowned Texas Criminal Lawyer

Why trust your life and livelihood to just anyone? Your business, your education, your reputation – basically everything you have worked so hard for – can be ruined by a criminal conviction. You need the best possible defense to protect your good name.

John T. Floyd will provide you with this defense. Considered an expert among experts, Mr. Floyd has been recognized as one of the most effective lawyers around in federal and Texas criminal law. More than two decades of experience and success have given him a stellar reputation in the legal field, and he will bring this to your case if you decide to work with him. What does it mean when we say that he has a “stellar reputation” and is considered an “expert among experts”? Take a look at just a few of the ways he has been recognized over the years.

Awards and Recognition

10/10 Rating – Avvo
Clients’ Choice Award 2008-2015 – Avvo
Houston’s Top Lawyers 2007-2015 – H Texas Magazine
Leading Criminal Defense Attorneys 2014 – Newsweek
Named a SuperLawyer 2014-2015 – SuperLawyers
Top 10 Blog Posts 2015 – State Bar of Texas
Top 100 Trial Lawyers 2015 – National Trial Lawyers

Interviewed as Criminal Law Expert

BBC, Fox News, Hannity and Colmes, NPR

Featured in Article

Chron, CNSNews, HGExperts, The Huffington Post, Victoria Advocate

He also appears on Houston’s iHeartRadio Channel 93.7 as a regular legal commentator.

But while Mr. Floyd appreciates all of this attention, his real passion is for his clients. Nothing pleases him more than when clients write testimonials over favorable results in their case, because each one is unique heartfelt. It’s this drive to protect his clients that makes John T. Floyd a powerful force on your side.

The Consequences of a State Criminal Record

There are also many collateral consequences for having been convicted of a criminal offense in Texas.

Employment. Many occupations (such as barber, plumber, nurse, etc.) require a license to work. Section 53.021 of the Texas Occupations Code authorize Texas licensing authorities to revoke, suspend, or deny a license to anyone convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude.
Education: Any student convicted of the possession or sale of a controlled substance can lose or be denied financial assistance under the Federal Student Loans and Grants program, or the forfeiture of a prepaid scholarship.
Asset forfeiture: Serious drug and white collar convictions can result of forfeiture of cash, vehicles, homes, personal property, and businesses.
Firearm: A conviction of more than one year will result in loss of the right to own or possess a firearm or ammunition.
Housing: Federal housing policies permit the exclusion of drug offenders from federally subsidized or funded housing. Most rental applications ask if you’ve ever been convicted of a felony.
Civil rights: A felony conviction results in the loss of the right to vote, run for public office, be appointed to a public office, or serve on a jury.

Because of the wide range of criminal penalties associated with state felony convictions in Texas, any one charged with a criminal offense in Texarkana needs an aggressive and experienced criminal defense attorney.

The Consequences of a Federal Criminal Record

Federal felony convictions can also lead to civil forfeitures that result in the loss of personal property, including cash, homes, vehicles, planes, and other personal belongings

The proceeds from forfeited property go into the coffers of law enforcement agencies, not the government treasury. Thus, the police have an incentive to seize and forfeit as much property as possible, regardless of whether it is actually tied to an offender’s offense-related activity.

Beyond these serious to severe penal consequences, federal felony convictions have significant personal collateral consequences. They can disqualify you for a job in the health care industry, government, private security, law enforcement, many areas of the criminal justice system, and any other job requiring a security clearance.

They can, and most likely will, have adverse impact on your employment prospects with companies that routinely run criminal background checks prior to their decision to hire. They can also have a serious impact on your ability to rent a suitable residence as property owners also frequently run background checks, refusing to rent or lease to ex-felons.

Protect Your Reputation in Texarkana with a Texas Criminal Defense Attorney Who Knows Federal and Texas Law

When you hire John T. Floyd, you’re getting a criminal defense lawyer, not a generalist. His firm focuses on defending people just like you who are facing criminal charges. Because they only work in federal and Texas criminal law, you can trust his team to be the experts you need on your side.

If you’re facing any kind of criminal charges, John T. Floyd knows what it takes to help with your case. His practice areas include:

Texarkana police are cracking down hard on these areas, and won’t hesitate to file charges. Your rights might be violated if you delay in getting a knowledgeable attorney to fight on your side. Errors in the justice system could mean losing everything that is important to you. But there is no reason that has to happen.

Don’t pay for other people’s mistakes. In some cases, your charges could be made much worse through no fault of your own. John T. Floyd will make sure that your Constitutional rights are respected from beginning to end. With Mr. Floyd working for you, you can count on a fair trial.

Don’t Delay – Contact a Texas Defense Lawyer to Handle Your Case Now

Do you feel like you just can’t win? Is the threat of a criminal conviction breathing down your neck?

John T. Floyd can help. Mr. Floyd is a skilled, professional lawyer who doesn’t believe in hopeless cases.

You need someone who will work tirelessly to make sure you’re getting the respect you deserve. All you have to do is contact The John T. Floyd Law Firm for a confidential consultation.

Want to see what we can do for you? Reach out to us right now by filling out the confidential online case review form on our website, giving us a call at 713-224-0101, or emailing jfloyd@johntfloyd.com.

Practice Areas

Federal Crimes

Sex Crimes

Federal Sex Crimes

Texas State Sex Crimes

Federal Drug Crimes

Drug Crimes


Domestic Violence

Federal Fraud

Health Care Fraud

Firearms Crimes

Child Pornography

Federal Criminal Appeals

Immigration Crimes

Criminal Appeals


White Collar Crimes


Bank Fraud

Mortgage Fraud

Securities Fraud

Money Laundering

Laser Pointing Crimes

Acting Unruly on Airplane

Use Of Extraneous Offense Evidence In Child Sexual Assault

Take the first step toward protecting your freedom by contacting us now


John T. Floyd Law Firm IconJohn T. Floyd Law Firm

3730 Kirby Drive # 750, Houston

4.9 109 reviews

John T. Floyd is Board Certified in Criminal Law By the Texas Board of Legal Specialization

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