Category Archives: Sex Crimes

Supreme Court Reverses Conviction for Failure to Register as Sex Offender

For many sex offenders, the prospect of registration for life is actually worse than imprisonment.  Many offenders complain they can never pay their debt to society…

Understanding Indecency with a Child Charges

In Dallas, a dance studio owner has been charged with two counts of indecency with a child. As a self-proclaimed mentor and father figure,…

Justice Delayed for the San Antonio Four

In September 1994, four San Antonio women—Elizabeth Ramirez, Cassandra  Rivera, Anna Vasquez, and Kristie Mayhugh—were arrested and charged with sexually assaulting two nieces, ages 9 and…

West Texas Church Sued for $50M in Sexual Abuse Case

Three of the nation’s leading insurance companies that insure Protestant churches in America report that they receive roughly 250 reports each year of minors under the…

Police Detectives in False Confession Case Can be Sued

Four detectives (Joe Ryan Hartley, Ryan Wolff, Mike Duffy, and Heather Mykes) and one investigator (Michael Dickson) conducted an investigation into a 2009 burglary…

Second Circuit Reverses Cannibal Cop Conviction, Says Government Cannot Prosecute Fantasies, No Matter how Gruesome

The Government is always trying to find a way to insert itself into the private lives individuals so it can better monitor and regulate our lives.…

Texas a Top Fighter against Human Trafficking

Texas is one of the states most committed in fighting child sex trafficking. Shared Hope International just released its 2015 “Protected Innocence Challenge” report. Texas…

The “Sadistic Conduct” Enhancement in Federal Child Pornography Cases

U.S. Sentencing Guidelines § 2G2.2(b)(4) authorizes a four-level enhancement in child pornography cases when the images possessed or distributed portray sadistic conduct or depictions…

Rule of Law Prevails Over Bad Facts in Child Sex Crime Case

A little over a decade ago, the New York Times called the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals—which encompasses North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West…

Federal Government Promises to Crack Down on Child Pornography

Last year U.S. Attorney Loretta E. Lynch announced the federal government’s intention to investigate and prosecute cases of child pornography, regardless of the scale…



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