Category Archives: Federal Sentencing

Sentences in Federal Child Pornography Cases on the Rise

Child pornography evokes intense feelings of contempt and bias against those whom such charges are leveled. Illustrative of this contempt is the 50-year prison…

The Continuing Problem in Federal Drug Sentencing

Sentencing in federal drug cases can sometimes pose difficult challenges for the judges imposing sentence. This was illustrated in a December 12, 2017 decision,…

Judge’s Sentencing Discretion Held in Check

A federal district court judge enjoys broad discretion in determining the criminal sentence to be imposed following conviction. This judicial discretion, however, is limited…

Unfair Federal Sentencing Scheme Causes Judge to Retire

Federal judges retire, not as frequently as other government and private sector employees but eventually they do leave the bench, one way or the…

Federal Criminal Trials: A Vanishing Species?

Attorneys who regularly represent clients in federal court understand one disturbing trend—U.S. attorneys are doggedly trying to force criminal trials to a point of…

Federal Prosecutors Breach Plea Agreement, Appellate Court Vacates Sentence

A federal plea agreement is a binding contract between the U.S. Government and a criminal defendant. It is sometimes proffered but more often than…

Sentence for Distribution of Child Porn Vacated by Fifth Circuit

LimeWire is a file-sharing program that uses “peer-to-peer” (P2P) technology. LimeWire allows its users to share digital files through an Internet-based network called the…

Supreme Court Lands Another Blow to Federal “Three Strikes” Law

The Armed Career Criminal Act of 1984 (“ACCA”) is the federal equivalent of the “three strikes” or “repeat offender” laws now in place in…

Supreme Court Confronts Complexity of U.S. Sentencing Guidelines

Federal sentencing is a complex process. The U.S. Supreme Court on April 20, 2016 was forced to confront a conflict among the federal circuits…



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