Category Archives: Federal Criminal Law

In Texas, Conspiracy to Commit Federal Crimes Can Send You To Prison

The planning of a crime and actions taken toward committing it are enough to send an individual to federal prison – even if they…

Man Involved in Jan. 6 Capitol Riot First to Be Charged with New Law

The events of January 2, 2021 will go down in history as one of the nation’s darkest hours. Six months later arrest of individuals…

Federal Charges for Pizza Dough Tampering (Yes, You Read That Right)

Who would think that pizza dough could lead to federal charges? Well, as it turns out, when you tamper with consumer products, the federal…

How the Little-Used Federal Civil Disorder Charges Work

Protests and other forms civil disobedience have been in the news lately. When such events result in property damage or injuries to other people,…

Man Who Allegedly Threatened Biden and Others Faces Federal Charges

Text messaging is now the preferred of communication for most people in the world today. In America, federal laws have scrambled to keep pace…

What Are the Collateral Consequences of a Federal Conviction in Texas?

Conviction of a crime can bring prison time and stiff fines but there are collateral consequences that can have a permanent impact on your…

The Impact of A Federal Target Letter

Federal criminal investigations may start in different ways. They often begin when a federal law enforcement agency, such as the FBI, receives information about…

Could You Face Federal Charges for Protesting?

Protests have sprung across the United States in response to the death of George Floyd while in Minneapolis Police custody. Most of these protests…

TX Paralegal Proves That You May Think You’re Getting Away With a Crime…

Interfere with federal drug crime investigations and you may become the subject of an investigation yourself. At least, that’s what happened to one paralegal…

U.S. General William Barr Should be Impeached

On June 1, 2020, peaceful protesters assembled across the street from the White House in Lafayette Park to protest the killing of George Floyd…



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