Category Archives: Federal Criminal Law

Federal Fraud: Don’t Follow This Texas Mayor’s Footsteps

Those who are elected to public office in this country take what is called “an oath of office.” They are given responsibilities and have…

Gun Violence and Use of the Federal Firearms Enhancement

This past February, Houston’s city officials allocated 44 million dollars to combat increasing violence in the state’s largest city. At a news conference announcing…

Collateral Consequences: What Happens After A Criminal Conviction

There is a mistaken belief sometimes that you are convicted of a crime and serve your sentence, then you will have paid your debt…

U.S. Supreme Court Limits Ability to Claim Ineffective Assistance in Post-Conviction Proceedings

The Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees a criminal defendant the right to effective assistance of counsel at both the trial and appellate…

Will the Buffalo Shooter Face Federal Criminal Charges?

Terrorism is a serious charge in the United States. While some associate terrorism with planes flying into buildings or bombs exploding, acts of teror…

Which Federal Crimes Can Cost You Your Life?

The death penalty is generally a state matter. Until the thirteen executionswere carried out during the Trump presidency, there had not been a federal…

Skilling V. United States: Honest Services Fraud, a Decade Later

Before 2010, federal prosecutors routinely used the honest services component of the federal fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. § 1346, to criminalize the failure of…

Federal Crimes: Your Frequently Asked Questions

There are 403 chapters in the United States Code. Each chapter has statutes that prohibit offenses specific to each chapter. Many, if not most,…

What Is Federal Obstruction of Justice?

Obstruction of justice may appear in dramatic movie courtroom scenes, but it can, and sometimes is, charged as a real criminal offense—one that carries…

TX Weapons Charges: More Than Just Guns

Weapons charges in Texas generally trigger images of large numbers of guns and/or knives. However, when it comes to weapons charges under the law,…



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