Category Archives: Federal Criminal Law

Freedom of Speech Not License to Commit Crime

The August 1, 2023 indictment of former President Donald J. Trump on four criminal charges related to repeated attempts to overthrow the 2020 presidential…

Judge Orders Release of Three of “Newburgh Four” Set Up by FBI

They became known as the “Newburgh Four”: James Cromitie, David Williams, Onta Williams, and Laquerre Payen. The FBI arrested the four men on May…

Already Convicted and Serving Time? You Can Still Face New Federal Charges

Convicted of a federal crime and being sent to a federal prison is a serious punishment. Both have long-lasting consequences. However, some individuals already…

How Serious Is Federal Credit Card Fraud?

Credit card fraud may not seem like a serious crime because it happens daily to people all over the globe. This can lead to…

Commit a Crime in Indian Country Is a Federal Matter

Texas is a state with a rich history, both as part of the United States and before the United States ever came into existence.…

Can You Ignore a Federal Subpoena?

There have been a significant number of news stories about government officials choosing to ignore legislative subpoenas and whether they will face criminal charges…

How Do You Know If There’s a Federal Warrant for Your Arrest?

Federal law enforcement agencies such as the FBI, ATF, and DEA are authorized to investigate criminal activity on behalf of the U.S. government. They…

FBI Uses Convicted Pedophile to Setup Terror Suspect

By the turn of the 21 century, the FBI believed it had put the dark legacy of J. Edgar Hoover behind it—a legacy that…

Statute of Limitations: How Do They Apply to Federal Crimes in TX?

Federal crimes can occur in any state, including including Texas. When these crimes occur, the Department of Justice, which oversees all federal criminal prosecution,…

Holiday Flight? Don’t Get Charged with a Federal Crime

The holidays are full of travelers. Many travelers like the convenience of airplanes to get them where they’re going. As a result, flights are…



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