Category Archives: Drug Crime

Penalties for Drug Trafficking Crimes Involving Common Drugs

Penalties for drug trafficking under both Texas and federal law are severe with a litany of collateral consequences. The Texas Controlled Substances Act defines…

6 Common Federal Crimes with Mandatory Minimum Prison Sentences

The U.S. Congress has used mandatory minimum sentences since it first enacted federal penal crimes. The 1790 Crimes Act created 23 federal crimes, seven…

Common Defense Strategies against Federal Drug Charges

There are significant misconceptions about federal crimes. Many people assume that federal crimes are only “white collar” or “national security” type offenses. Nothing could…

Unreasonable, Disparate Punishments for Federal Hydrocodone Cases Coming Soon

In 3400 B.C., opium poppy was cultivated in the lower Mesopotamia. It was called the “joy plant” by the Sumerians. Opium through the centuries…

Injustice Spawned by the 851 Federal Repeat Drug Offender Enhancement

Despite recent changes in the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and new policies regarding drug sentencing issued by the Department of Justice, sentences in federal drug…

Supreme Court Takes on Bath Salts and Analogue Drug Act

Before 2011, few in this country had heard about “bath salts”—a synthetic drug which mimics amphetamine-like stimulants. In 2009, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration…

Extending Traffic Stop to Conduct Dog Sniff Unconstitutional

The Supreme Court has given us another reminder of why individuals should never consent to anything when approached by law enforcement conducting investigations. Police…


The “Congress Park Crew” was a loose-knit gang that ran a crack cocaine market in the Congress Park neighborhood of Washington, D.C. for thirteen…

Nervousness Provides Little Weight in Reasonable Suspicion Calculus

Kentucky is often a state of distinction for the wrong reasons. It ranks in the top ten of the two of the worst categories:…

Texas Court Sets Hurdles in Intentional Forensic Misconduct Cases

In January 2012 the Texas Department of Public Safety realized it had a major problem with one of its employees—a forensic scientist named Jonathan…



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