Category Archives: Drug Crime

Harris County Leads The Nation In Exonerations, Wrongful Convictions

“Guilty” does not always mean actual guilt, especially in drug cases involving African-American defendants who elect to plead guilty in the Harris County Criminal…

Court Tosses Drug Conviction After Finding Illegal Detention After Traffic Stop

Vehicle traffic stops that lead to drug seizures pose a continuing problem for the courts to deal with. This is especially so in speeding…

What Does the Trump Administration Mean For Federal Drug Crimes?

In response to the legalization of medical and recreational use of marijuana at the state level, the Obama administration through its Justice Department announced…

Sessions Promoted a Bill Seeking Executions for Drug Trafficking

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is President Trump’s next choice to be this nation U.S. Attorney General. As a former attorney general for the State…

Ex-NHL Player Pleads Guilty to Federal Drug Charges

The National Hockey League realized last year that it has a growing problem with increased drug use by its players. The league met with…

Man Refuses Clemency for Drug Trafficking

Is executive clemency an effective way to deal with harsh sentencing in non-violent drug cases? The Obama administration thinks so. In 1994, the U.S.…

Understanding Mandatory Federal Minimums for Drug Crimes

Federal drug sentencing is simultaneously difficult and unfair. Roughly half of the federal prison population today are drug offenders—most serving mandatory minimum sentences. Why…

Pacho y Cirilo: Taste in Music Not a Legitimate Federal Sentencing Factor

In March of 2015, Neftali Avarez-Nunez (“Nunez”) was arrested in Catano, Puerto Rico. The arrest came after the police observed Nunez discarding a weapon…

84 Month Sentence Vacated After Federal Judge Injects Personal Social Views, Grudge Over Change in “Old Neighborhood”

Sentencing is a vital component of the federal criminal trial process. It demands fairness, impartiality, and justification by the judge imposing the sentence following…

Most Federal Drug Charges End in Plea Bargains

If you find yourself faced with a federal drug offense, you will have a difficult choice to make: stand trial or plead guilty. The…



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