Category Archives: Drug Crime

The Crime of Chronic Pain

The numbers are indeed alarming. 100 million Americans live with chronic pain. It is the most common cause of long-term disability in this country.…

Don’t Get Caught in the Crack Down on Cartels and Gangs

Since becoming the United States Attorney General, Jeff Sessions has continually misrepresented to the American public that the nation is facing a violent crime…

West Texas Oil Boom Leads to “Boom” in Drug Crimes

Oil was first discovered in Texas in the early 1900s. The industry it created has influenced and shape the state’s economy ever since. Boon…

David Lopez Likely to Become Newest “Marijuana Lifer”

President Ronald Reagan’s “war on drugs” failed as miserably as President Richard Nixon’s “war on crime.” The only measurement of success for either effort…

The Law: Logic and Fairness Too Often Ignored

Most people would assume that the rule of law is drawn by the rules of logic and fairness. That assumption is both logical and…

College Dorm Rooms Enjoy Fourth Amendment Protection

It was an issue of first impression for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA): whether a college dorm room is an exception to…

Plea Deals for Drug Crimes May Not Be the Bargain They Seem

The U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to a fair and impartial trial to anyone charged with either a federal or state criminal offense, regardless…

Immigration, Drug Crimes Higher Priority than White Collar Crimes

It should come as no surprise that the current U.S. Justice Department is giving immigration and drug crimes a higher priority for prosecution than…

6 Failed Ways That Smugglers Have Attempted To Move Drugs

Drug smuggling is difficult and quite frequently hazardous, especially when illegal drugs are being moved across the border. Drug smugglers are regularly challenged to…

10 Associated with Texas Gang Facing Drug Trafficking Charges

Drug trafficking criminal enterprises are difficult to penetrate, disrupt, and produce significant arrests. Law enforcement authorities may need months – or even years –…



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