Category Archives: Drug Crime

SCOTUS Empowers Expectation of Privacy in Cell Phones

It has been hailed by privacy rights activists and legal scholars as the most significant U.S. Supreme Court decision in the “digital age.” The…

Appearance of “Narco Saint, Angel of the Poor” in Arkansas Federal Court Leads to Drug Conviction

PRESENCE OF “NARCO SAINT” LEADS TO DRUG CONVICTIONS At the turn of the 20th century, Jesus Malverde was a Mexican bandit who roamed the…

Bobadilla’s Bad Luck

To be successful at crime often requires good sense and even better luck. Puerto Rico resident Jose Luis Bobadilla-Pagan (“Bobadilla”) is undeniable evidence of…

The Undeniable Scent Of Police Misconduct

The prestigious Cato Institute, with its National Police Misconduct Statistics and Report Project (NPMSRP), tracks police misconduct on a daily and annual basis. And…

Mandatory Minimums Block Eligibility for Reduction in Crack Cocaine Sentences

This was a “novel question” the Third Circuit Court of Appeals answered on March 12, 2014 in the case of Jose Ortiz-Vega (“Ortiz”) who…

Waiver Of Appellate Rights In Federal Plea Agreements Should Be Thoroughly Explained To Client

An integral, increasingly non-negotiable component of any federal plea agreement requires that the defendant waive his right to appeal or collaterally attack his conviction…

Supreme Court Addresses Use of Firearms in Drug Trafficking

18 U.S.C. § 924(c) is a federal criminal statute which prohibits either the use or carrying of a firearm “during and in relation to…

New Hearing on Sentence in “Death Results” from Drug Distribution Case

Federal drugs laws are stiff. That’s the way Congress wanted it. One of the stiffest drug penalties is found in 21 U.S.C. § 841(b)…

Supreme Court Reverses Heroin “Death Results” Case with 20 Year Minimum Sentence

On January 27, 2014, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down a significant decision in a drug death case. A little statutory background is in…

Judicial Courage and Sufficiency of the Evidence

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals deals with a wide range of exceptionally difficult cases: terrorism, organized crime, white-collar crime, and a host of…



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