Category Archives: Criminal Law

Trump’s Lies and Immigrant Fear Mongering

Donald Trump launched his presidential campaign in 2015 with a direct, blatant racist appeal. A 2018 study by the Proceedings of the Academy of…

Texas Border Security and Crime

The recent, and longest, government shutdown has focused public attention on claims by President Donald Trump and his Wall proponents that crime is not…

Trump’s Plan: Most of 50k+ Prisoners to Be Released Drug Offenders

The First Step Act (“Act”) is expected to produce badly needed reform of the federal mandatory minimum sentencing scheme. The reform legislation offers promise…

Prosecutorial Overreach Leads to 20 Month Sentence for Shoplifter

In October 2013 Terri Regina Lang was shopping at an HEB store in Burnet County, Texas. She was observed by a store employee taking…

Federal Courts Must Follow Rules During Pleas

It has been reported in multiple news sources and case law that roughly 97 percent of all federal criminal defendants plead guilty. The overwhelming…

The Courtroom Clash Between Truth and Science

The law seeks the truth; science seeks the facts. The two frequently clash in a court of law. The Texas Rules of Evidence permit…

Harris County Bail Reform Effort Receives Temporary Setback

Earlier this year we posted an article about a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals decision that upheld much of a federal district court ruling…

Dallas County’s Lawless Bail System Sued

As we pointed out last month, the bail system in the State of Texas is riddled with inequities. The bail system, with the acquiescence…

What Religious and Racial Hatred Does to American Criminal Justice

Hatred has become a multi-million dollar industry in America. It is a subject we have spoken to on several occasions (here and here). In…

Qualified Immunity, Excessive Force by Police

Qualified Immunity, Unauthorized Use of Excessive Force by Police Conway is the county seat of Faulkner County located in central Arkansas. The city’s police…



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