Category Archives: Criminal Law

Destruction of Evidence Creates Problems for Harris County Justice System

Harris County’s Precinct 4 is the largest Constable’s office in the United States with nearly 500 sworn deputies funded by a $52 million annual…

An Alternative to Federal “Tough on Crime” Laws

The nation’s “prison industrial complex”—which drew its name from the “military industrial complex” coined by President Eisenhower in 1959—began in earnest with President’s Reagan…

Texas National Guard Gets into Dirty Business of Surveillance

Digital Receiver Technology, Inc. manufactures a security surveillance device called DRT 1301C. The devices are known in law enforcement and military circles as “dirt…

Courts Feud Over Constitutional, Harmless Error

There appears to be an increasing judicial feud underway between the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA) and the lower appellate courts throughout the…

Give Me A Lawyer Dog

The Louisiana legal system, much like its political system, has never enjoyed a reputation for deep thinking or the ability to grasp complex constitutional…

A Student’s Expectation of Privacy Versus Need to Search

With a population of less than 21,000 people, Worth County, Georgia is hardly a speck on the nation’s map. But, thanks to Worth County…

Criminal Defense Attorney on The Horns of Dilemma

Drunken cowboys and cowgirls on a trail ride is a recipe for trouble—and that is precisely what a jury found happen in December 2012…

Convictions of Police Officers Indicted for Fatal Shootings Rare

Some of the facts in the fatal shooting of Anthony Lamar Smith in December 2011 by former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley are…

The Doctrine of Abatement Ab Initio Expanded

Moments before he took his own life in a Massachusetts prison this past April, former NFL star Aaron Hernandez was a convicted murderer. The…

Bad Driving Is Not Criminally Negligent

Texas has more than its share of bad drivers. One of its cities, San Antonio, ranks in the top ten among the nation’s most…



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