Category Archives: Criminal Justice Reform

A Portrait of Race-Based Police Brutality

A Portrait of Race Based Police Brutality There are cops – some good, some bad. Then there are some cops who are so roguish,…

Harris County Leads The Nation In Exonerations, Wrongful Convictions

“Guilty” does not always mean actual guilt, especially in drug cases involving African-American defendants who elect to plead guilty in the Harris County Criminal…

Some Prosecutors Cannot Function Without Misconduct

In 1972, the U.S. Supreme Court in Giglio v. United States informed prosecutors that they had a constitutional duty to disclose to criminal defendants…

An Irresponsible Cop with A Vicious Police Dog

We understand that 2016 was a horrific year for police fatalities—139, of which 64 were shot and killed in the line of duty. Police…

Incoming District Attorney Must Prosecute Corruption To Achieve Reform

Newly-elected Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg was elected as a “reformer” with plans to clean up the local criminal justice system. Some of…

Criminal Justice Reform, Reduction of Prison Population in Doubt

Criminal sentencing is a flawed process. The question is what to do about it. This is a difficult question, especially when there is no…

Gov. Christie’s Spite Thwarts US Attorney Appointment

Christie’s Spiteful History Thwarts US Attorney Appointment President-elect Donald Trump has made at least one decent decision since his election: he did not give…

Civil Rights Case Will Proceed Against Officers Who Shot Mentally Ill Woman

Police are trained to “shoot to stop.” This means rapid fire “center mass” into the chest of someone who may be posing a threat…

New Sheriff in Town Declares Bail System Unconstitutional

This past September the Texas Fair Defense Project, the law firm of Susan Godfrey (Houston), and the Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group, Equal Justice Under…

Racism and Human Indifference Leads to Unnecessary Jail Deaths

Sandra Bland was arrested for a minor traffic violation by a Texas state trooper in Waller County in July 2015. She was placed in…



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