Category Archives: Constitutional Law

A Student’s Expectation of Privacy Versus Need to Search

With a population of less than 21,000 people, Worth County, Georgia is hardly a speck on the nation’s map. But, thanks to Worth County…

Muslims Wrongfully Placed on Terrorist Selectee List Can’t Sue

The Terrorism Screening Center (TSC) is a multi-agency center created in 2003 in the wake of 9/11 terror attacks on the Twin Towers in…

Federal Appeals Court Restrict Police Power to Seize Cell Phone

Ezra Griffith was a member of a Washington, D.C. gang. In 2012, Griffith became one of several suspects in the shooting death of a…

SCOTUS: Ban on Social Media for Sex Offenders Violates First Amendment

The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children reports that there are roughly 747,000 registered sex offenders in the United States. The Parents for…

The King Trump’s Power to Pardon

The King can pardon for any reason or for no reason at all. The U.S. Constitution became the official governing document of the United…

College Dorm Rooms Enjoy Fourth Amendment Protection

It was an issue of first impression for the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals (TCCA): whether a college dorm room is an exception to…

Harris County’s Unconstitutional Bail System Dealt a Critical Blow

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than half of the jail population in the U.S. has never been convicted of a crime.…

Supremacy Clause Protects Austin PD Officer Deputized by Feds

The federal courts have on occasion pointed out that the immunity found in the Supremacy Clause is a “seldom litigated corner” of constitutional law.…

U.S. Supreme Court Finds Racial Bias in Jury Deliberations Unacceptable

Racial bias and jury decision-making is fraught with many unanswered questions. We know it exists but too what extent remains a vast unknown. Most…

Presidential Vows to Eradicate Radical Islam Threaten Constitution

During his January 20th Inaugural Address, President Donald Trump vowed to eradicate “radical Islam” from “the face of the Earth.” Islam is a universally…



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