Category Archives: Child Abuse

Voir Dire in Child Sex Abuse Cases: Importance and Pitfalls

Selecting a jury in a criminal case by a defense attorney is one of the most—if not the most—critical stages in a criminal trial.…

Experts in Child Sexual Abuse Cases Used to Support Juror Bias

Child sexual abuse cases inherently create bias in every prospective juror. Every person with an iota of compassion and morality has an innate drive…

Drug Addicted Mom Charged with Injury to a Child

Danielle Edwards, a Caldwell County, Texas resident, was a bad mother during her nine-month pregnancy between October 2016 and June 2017. She ingested cocaine…

Child Pornography Obsession Taints Supreme Court Nomination Hearings

Child pornography is a serious criminal offense that causes immediate and profound revulsion. Make no mistake about that. The recent U.S. Senate confirmation hearings…

Operation COVID Crackdown Targets Online Solicitation of Minors

The COVID pandemic has neither stifled nor hindered law enforcement undercover pedophile sting operations. Just last month, the North Dakota Human Trafficking Task Force…

Difficulty of Jury Selection in Child Sexual Assault Cases

Two child sexual assault (CSA) cases in Texas offer a glimpse into the varied kinds of cases in which juries must determine guilt or…

The Trump Administration Has Committed Crimes Against Children

Migrant family separations under the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policies began in the summer of 2017. Then Homeland Security chief John Kelly was…

Man Loses Home After Conviction for Child Sex Abuse

The mere allegation of a sex crime against a child carries immediate and lasting consequences: Arrest Conviction Sentence Fines Restitution Imprisonment Possible civil commitment…

Can Child Abuse be a Federal Crime?

Many crimes can be prosecuted and tried at either the state or federal level. This matters a lot, because the level could have a…

Incarceration for Drug Use by Pregnant Women Counterproductive

Mothers who use drugs during pregnancy, and give birth to helpless babies addicted to opiates, are not high on the social ladder and are…



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