
Criminal Jurisdiction

A Criminal Law Blog from a Defense Perspective
Self-Defense Laws in Texas: When Can You Protect Yourself?

Self-defense is a fundamental right that allows individuals to protect themselves from harm in situations where their safety is at risk. Understanding self-defense laws…

Pretextual Police Stops Must Stop

America is enduring dark times these days. Sarah Palin, the former Republican vice-presidential candidate and a state governor, calls for civil war and praises…

Federal “Watch List” Exposed as Racist and Prejudiced

Islam is one of the three Abrahamic religions, just like Christianity and Judaism. None of these religions espouse violence to secure a religious or…

Charged with Money Laundering in TX? Your Rights and Steps to Take

If you or someone you know is confronted with money laundering charges in Texas, it’s not only a legal hurdle to surmount but is…

Wrongfully Accused of a Sex Crime? Defending Your Case in Texas

Being wrongfully accused of a sex crime in Texas is a nightmare scenario that can instantly turn your life upside down. False allegations can…

Legal Defenses for People Facing Federal Drug Charges in Texas

Being charged with a federal drug charge in Texas is a serious and challenging experience. The consequences of a conviction for the charge can…

Lower Crime Rates, Diversionsary Programs, and Cost Lead to Reduced Prison Populations

The United States prison population peaked in 2009 with more than two million incarcerated people in state and federal prisons. The nation’s prison population…

The Pitfalls of Federal Plea Agreements

The Criminal Justice Section of the American Bar Association (ABA) in 2019 formed The Plea Bargain Task Force (Task Force) “to address persistent criticisms…

Freedom of Speech Not License to Commit Crime

The August 1, 2023 indictment of former President Donald J. Trump on four criminal charges related to repeated attempts to overthrow the 2020 presidential…

Harris County Jail: “Place of Torment and Punishment”

There are more than 3,000 county jails in the United States. They house more than 650,000 inmates on any given day. Roughly 70 percent…



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