Author Archives: John Floyd

Understanding Federal Internet Sex Crimes

The digital age has made the internet a central part of daily life. This has been beneficial in countless ways, but it has also…

Defending Against Federal Human Smuggling Charges

Federal human smuggling charges create serious and daunting challenges to a defendant. These charges can carry severe penalties as well as hefty fines and…

Deputy who Slaughtered Two Dogs will Pay the Price

Bruno, the pit bull, was killed by a police officer responding to a domestic dispute at the home of the dog’s owners. Bruno’s best…

Navigating the Complexities of Federal White-Collar Crime Charges

Federal white-collar crime charges encompass a wide range of non-violent offenses typically committed in commercial situations, most often for financial gain. Navigating these charges…

The Politics of Crime Solves Nothing

Crime has always been and will remain a hot-button political issue. Misinformation, misrepresentations, and outright lies have become the cornerstone of American politics at…

Standard for Cell Phone Search Warrants Remains Uncertain

Before his death, Brent Tapp lived in a homeless encampment near downtown Houston. In August 2017, Tapp was shot in the leg with a…

Texas’ War on Juveniles And Other Youthful Offenders

Texas has a national and international reputation for maintaining an assembly-line death penalty operation, imposing insanely long prison sentences (e.g., 40 life sentences plus…

Constitutional Rule of Law Disobeyed by Extremist Attorney General

Missouri is a right-leaning state where the constitutional rule of law is too often usurped by the conservative political views of its public officeholders.…

Ineffective Assisitance of Counsel Leads to New Trial

The Sixth Amendment guarantees a person accused of a crime the right to obtain counsel of their choice or to court-appointed counsel if they…

Navigating Federal Cybercrime Investigations and Charges

In today’s digital age, cybercrime has become one of the fastest-growing threats, prompting a robust response from federal law enforcement agencies. This is a…



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